Monday, November 6, 2017

The Dream Shall Arise!

I believe we were each born with a dream in our heart.  As kids we played make-believe,-we were singers, dancers, and movie stars.  We were destined for greatness.

But as life went on we experienced pain and loss and grief and the dream got buried beneath and may have even died. 

Though the years passed on and we battled against resignation and half-hearted acceptance that life will always be routine.

But still there is a spark deep within us that dares to dream.

We are no longer a child playing make-believe.

We offer our hearts desire to the Lord, and the Dream shall arise.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Just Be Still...

“Be Still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”  Psalm 46:10

Today, I was driving in my car a bit frustrated about areas where I have taken initiative and things have fallen through.  My husband quietly and calmly said, “Be still and know that I am God.”  I was really struck by this phrase and passage.

So often we want to play a vital role in the Cosmic Story of Good vs. Evil.  We want to be the hero or heroine and a key player.  Perhaps we are waiting for our own personal exaltation.

But God rarely works that way.  Why does He wait sometimes a very long time to see promises fulfilled in lives, like Sarah and Abraham?  It’s a mystery, but one thing I am certain of He is the one that needs to be exalted.  He is the one that needs to be lifted up in all the nations and tribes on earth. 

So what do we do?  We need to just be still and faithful.  We need to respond towards his loving initiative towards us. 

God will have His way one day.  Be the bride that keeps the lamp burning for His revival!

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Color Purple

I’m turning 44 on November 30th.  Like every year, I drag my husband to see a Musical with me.  My father use to take us to Musicals as a treat or give us tickets in my younger years.  It’s something about the music, the stories that bring passion and hope alive; two things we so desperately need in our lives.  Passion that moves us to act in this world in Loving and Affirming ways, and  Hope that stirs us up to keep going and looking to the horizon of our dreams.

I wish passion and hope to be alive in my 44th year of life.  Let God stir it up in my heart, and in the lives of others I know…like a mighty wind rushing in or a river that has overflowed fill our hearts again like a mighty river overflow.

I am going to see the Musical, The Color Purple with my husband and sister. 

Let us laugh, and dream, and sing and dance and Love- Life and Love is of God- and God is a good thing!