Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Jars of Clay

Today, a 4 year old student of mine brought in two boxes to school.  He placed them up above his cubby.  The box on the bottom was plain looking and unimpressive.  The box on top was beautiful and colorful.  The little boy said to me, “Miss Cathy, I want to show you something that I have for you.”  I put the little boy off to later, because it was time to clean up.  But he didn’t forget and again he reminded me with great enthusiasm that he had something for me.  I finally looked at the two boxes and he told me mine was on the bottom.  I opened the plain and unimpressive
box and there were pieces of paper that he colored in there for me.
Then I asked him, “Who’s the other box for?”  He said, “Miss Melinda”, the other teacher.  

At first I felt slighted, “What? She got the beautiful box, she must be the favorite.” Then I felt as if maybe God was trying to tell me something.

I was reminded that Paul said, “We have this treasure in jars of clay…” (2nd Corinthians 4:7) Thanks to a persistent, unassuming, 4 year old boy that reminded me of this today.  

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