Sunday, January 29, 2017

To be Free People

Henri Nouwen writes an article-From Solitude to Community to Ministry.

My prayer is for us together to hear the voice of God that dwells within us and calls us, “Beloved Daughters and Sons in whom His favor rests.”

My prayer is for us together,  to continually utter the words, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” And allow these words of contentment to descend from our minds to our hearts. 

My prayer is for us together, to form community around us that empowers us to proclaim, “I am not Afraid.”

And my prayer is for us together,  to seek to reach out to others in gratitude and compassion; Gratitude for others, as a good gift, and compassion to meet others in their place of pain, and allow Father God to heal and reveal Himself there. 

Out of Solitude, Community, and Compassion we become free people.

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