Monday, July 11, 2016

New Eyes!

Jesus’ way is counter-intuitive to the way of the world.  I don’t know if you ever get use to this no matter how long you have been journeying alongside of Him. 

The world says get rich and highlights the lifestyles of the rich and famous.  Jesus chose the poor to make his spiritual riches known. 

The world says, be on top, be number 1, the best and the brightest.  Jesus says, “The greatest among you is one who serves.” “The last will be first, and the first will be last.”

The Pharisees and religious elite thought the Messiah would come in glory and establish a kingdom on earth.  Jesus said, “Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!”  His glory was made known in deepest humility. 

The world values popularity, self-promotion and praise. Scripture says, “Consider others better than yourself.”  Jesus often chose the hidden way.

More and more I realize that following Jesus takes looking at people, and situations with new eyes. 

What we may consider not of much value or worth, he values immensely.  He doesn’t promise an easy road.  Jesus’ life wasn’t easy, yet He promises true and everlasting riches; His presence, His Love, His peace, His Joy, His freedom.  Jesus most definitely was the freest man that ever lived because he was not dependent on what the world could give. 

Rich or poor, popular or unpopular, the last or the first, Jesus looks at the heart.  Jesus gives us new eyes to see like he sees, a new heart to feel like he feels, and the freedom to only be dependent on the Love of God.

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